Do you suffer from mood swings- happy one moment, sad the next. Do you suddenly cry without reason. Do people complain that they never know which you they will encounter.

Homeopathy has helped many people even out and get over this changeable pattern.

Here are a couple of case examples:

Jessie was a 12 year old girl who was very hot tempered- she flared quickly into anger at almost any provocation no matter how small. It wasn’t just anger all her emotions were all over the place. She would be happy, then mad, then sad, then crying. She was terribly over dramatic about everything. She kept going to one parent and blaming everything on the other one.

She was very strong willed- if a boy can do something- she insists on doing it also. He feels sad and lonely a lot- stays in bed and feels bitter. She had many bad nightmares.


She got sick a lot, had allergies, swollen tonsils, headaches, dizziness and stomachaches.

Based upon all of the details of these and other symptoms we gave her one dose of Lachesis (note this was the right remedy for her but the possibility of it being the right remedy for another person suffering from mood swings is very low).

By one month her emotions no longer jumped all over the place. She had much less tantrums and was happy that her mother wasn’t mad at her all the time as she used to be. Her dreams started becoming more pleasant. She wasn’t sick at all, had no allergies and less stomachaches. She seemed much more confident.

Over the next year her parents reported a total turnaround- a totally different attitude. She has a positive attitude, no jumping from emotion to emotion, no temper tantrums, no crying without reason. She wasn’t sick at all and all the physical problems were gone or greatly reduced.

Here is another example:
Sandra was a 35 year old woman who said I feel happy but I keep getting into moods. After each child she had severe depression, crying for a year. “I’m better now that I am not having babies.” “I am annoyed at my husband a lot without reason- I just get so irritable.” “I am not really nice to my kids either.”

She got overwhelmed easily and wanted to be left alone. She felt a failure, full of self hatred. Her dreams were unusual full of tidal waves and soldiers fighting and tanks.

Based upon all of the details of these and other symptoms we gave her one dose of Germanium (note this was the right remedy for her but the possibility of it being the right remedy for another person suffering from mood swings is very low).

By two months she was better. She got along much better with her husband and kids.


She started daily exercise for the first time in her life. Her moodiness was no longer an issue. She felt more self confident and better about herself. Her dreams became more pleasant.

In this example you see the difference between homeopathy and other approaches for treatment of mood swings. After the right remedy we expect to see everything getting better in the person's life.

To understand how homeopathy helps in cases like this please click below, to read more about homeopathy. To find a homeopath to help you, choose the referral list link below. If no experienced classical homeopath is in your area you can either travel to see us in Florida - or we can do a phone consult.

For More Information or to make an appointment contact:

Steve Waldstein RSHom (NA) CCH PCH
Classical Homeopathy, Inc.
1245 NW 22nd Avenue
Delray Beach, FL 33445
Telephone: 561-562-8965