People have come in to us complaining about a wide range of digestive problems. Some examples have been noisy digestion, excess gas, distension in the abdomen, stomach aches, pains in the abdomen, GERD, acid stomach, acid reflux, gastroenteritis, pancreatitis etc. Other digestive problems are covered in our IBS or Colitis Section.
We have been able to help people with all of these digestive problems with homeopathy. Here are a couple of case examples:
Penny was 14 when she came in with complaints of stabbing abdominal pain near the belly button (umbilicus), It happened 3-4 times a week in the afternoon. She also had diarrhea. She also had headaches with dizziness as if her body was spinning fast . The headaches felt as if she was hit with a fist and pressing her head helped the dizziness.
She gets the abdomen pain and headaches more often when worries about things. She always insisted on getting her own way. Other kids picked on her a lot. She also suffered from bloody noses.
Based upon these and many other symptoms we gave her a dose of Carc (note this was the right remedy for her but the possibility of it being the right remedy for another person suffering from digestive problems is low).
By one month she reported less stomach aches, less headaches, more energy, no bloody noses, and in general felt better.
By 2 months she was noticeable calmer, no abdomen pain, no diarrhea, no bloody noses, mo headaches and was more cheerful.
Over the next year all problems were gone, she was happier, less insistent on getting her own way and is doing well.
Here is another case:
Sandy was 38 when she came in. She had been battling stomach problems for many years. She got severe abdominal pain, doubling over in pain. She felt like she would pass put, sweating, felt like she was having a heart attack. She has had to go to the hospital many times, doubled over on the floor, in tremendous pain and vomits.
She also has bad migraines and is very irritable.
We explored many other areas of her problems including her childhood problems and found out many interesting facts such as her great fear of snakes and her hatred of eggs.
The doctors removed her gall bladder which they though would help, but it didn’t. It made things worse.
Based upon these and many other symptoms we gave her a dose of Calcarea Carbonica (note this was the right remedy for her but the possibility of it being the right remedy for another person suffering from digestive problems is low).
By one month she reported much less stomach problems and no vomiting at all. She was less irritable and happier.
By three months she reported that she was doing really well. There was no abdominal or stomach pain, no nausea. She was feeling really good. She is more motivated about doing things. She was now off all her drugs (with her doctors approval) because she was doing so well.
By eight months we closed her case because she was doing so well.
Would you like to hear what a patient had to say about how homeopathy helped their daughters' digestive problems?
Five years ago, my 20 year old daughter became very ill. She was misdiagnosed in the emergency room of a hospital with pancreatitis. Among the symptoms, were, inability to hold food down, rapid weight loss, insomnia, and severe abdominal pain. Because she was misdiagnosed, the prescription medicines she was on, were not helping at all. I was losing my daughter, and I was scared.
My friend told me about Steve and Aviva. She had been consulting them for a few years and suggested they could help my daughter. I called Steve immediately, and he told me they would spend a few hours with Elizabeth, get to know her, and figure out how to help her. I was so relieved, just to be reassured she would get better.
I took Elizabeth to see Aviva, and we were told that within a few weeks, they would determine her remedy. During that time, I had to take Elizabeth back to the emergency room and the doctor who saw her said we were about a week away from a funeral. I called Steve, and within a few days, Elizabeth had her first remedy. I took her home, and she slept for several hours. Within a few days, Elizabeth was eating and getting stronger. She is 25, now, and healthy.
-Juanita A.
In these examples you see the difference between homeopathy and other approaches for treatment of digestive problems. After the right remedy we expect to see everything getting better in the person's life.
To understand how homeopathy helps in cases like this please click below, to read more about homeopathy. To find a homeopath to help you, choose the referral list link below. If no experienced classical homeopath is in your area you can either travel to see us in Florida - or we can do a phone consult.
For More Information or to make an appointment contact:
Steve Waldstein RSHom (NA) CCH PCH
Classical Homeopathy, Inc.
1245 NW 22nd Avenue
Delray Beach, FL 33445
Telephone: 561-562-8965