
Hear What Our Patients Have to Say About Their Experiences

Nancy C.

Five years ago, my 20 year old daughter became very ill. She was misdiagnosed in the emergency room of a hospital with pancreatitis. Among the symptoms, were, inability to hold food down, rapid weight loss, insomnia, and severe abdominal pain. Because she was misdiagnosed, the prescription medicines she was on, were not helping at all. I was losing my daughter, and I was scared.

My friend told me about Steve and Aviva. She had been consulting them for a few years and suggested they could help my daughter. I called Steve immediately, and he told me they would spend a few hours with Elizabeth, get to know her, and figure out how to help her. I was so relieved, just to be reassured she would get better.

I took Elizabeth to see Aviva, and we were told that within a few weeks, they would determine her remedy. During that time, I had to take Elizabeth back to the emergency room and the doctor who saw her said we were about a week away from a funeral. I called Steve, and within a few days, Elizabeth had her first remedy. I took her home, and she slept for several hours. Within a few days, Elizabeth was eating and getting stronger. She is 25, now, and healthy.

My daughter, Rachel, is 23. Since the age of 18, she has been seeing Aviva. Rachel has mild cerebral palsy, learning disabilities, attention deficit hyperactive disorder, and was suffering from grand mal seizures. We have weaned Rachel from her seizure meds and she has not had any seizures. She continues to learn although we were told that she would reach a plateau and stop learning around the age of 16.

I am an incest survivor. I've been seeing Aviva for almost five years, now, and am a different person. Almost immediately, I was able to stop taking antidepressants. I told Aviva recently, that the world has always been a scary place for me. I am finally beginning to feel safe here. And that is huge, for me.

I am so thankful that I know Steve and Aviva. We used to live at the doctor's office, and now they don't even know us if we go in, on the rare occasion.

Dear Steve & Aviva,

Words are not adequate enough to express our gratitude to you for your knowledge, research and compassion that you gave us to help Katie. Everything happened so fast for us, and the past 2 months have been kind of a blur. We just lived hour by hour, trying to do the best we could by Katie and paying constantly that God would intervene and heal Katie. Now that she is stable and strengthening, we are also beginning to heal emotionally. We realize that God used you all as a very special tool in Katie's quick recovery. People keep asking us what kind of treatment they gave Katie for the virus. We just smile and say that the only treatment she has was our homeopath's remedy and lots of prayer! That is true.

So although it is all new to us and we don't understand homeopathic practice as much as we will in the future, we realize how indebted we are to your wisdom and quick response to our need for immediate help. You are our heroes! Thank you so much for your help, strength and kindness.

Steve's work saved my life.

If I could send everyone I knew who was suffering to Steve I would.

I suffered deep, crippling depression for many years, beginning in my teens. When I found Steve I had miraculously made it through a particularly rough stint where I very nearly took my own life.

Steve found the right remedy for me very first try and instantly I could feel it changing me at a cellular level. Homeopathy has facilitated my healing process at a truly core level in a way that NO other modality I've ever experienced has come close to (and I've experienced a lot of them at this point in my life).

I'm still working with him 15 years later and the remedy I'm taking continues to heal me on deeper and deeper levels.

Without Steve I might have continued to make it through life, physically at least. But on the emotional, spiritual, and soul levels I'd have continued to live a hollow shell of a life - to exist as a living dead person.

I now know what it means to live a full life. My experience of the world is nuanced, rich, expansive, and deeply connected. I am truly thriving and continuing to grow in every area of my life: Relationships, business, money, happiness, spirituality, and all other parts.

I know without a millimeter of a doubt that Steve's work is responsible for this miracle.

Bob. S.

Juanita A.

Homeopathy changed my life! A few years ago I was diagnosed with insomnia. And at a regular doctor's office there is no treatment for this kind of situation, except chemical therapy. And it is not the choice I wanted to make for myself. My homeopathic remedy makes me feel stronger, happier and most of all normal. I sleep really well. Thank you for the transformation.

Ilona M.
I have been going to Steve and Aviva at Classical Homeopathy for about 10 years now. When I first started had back issues, worrying about everything, fears of all kinds just to name a few. Over time everything got better and better. One of the things homeopathy helped with is getting in touch with me and my emotions. I no longer have any of the issues I started with and I feel great.

Joshua T.
As all from time to time I still have some things as they come up for release. I use homeopathy along with my spiritual path and together I have become a new person. Homeopathy has also helped with grief in the past. Since everything is all connected homeopathy is the one thing that works to bring us back into balance one layer at a time. I really do appreciate Steve and Aviva for they have done to assist me and my family on our journey. Homeopathy really does work and feeling good is what life is about. We also have our cats come as well as we are a family unit and we all do better when we all do better. Many thanks to Steve and Aviva for all the help and support. I am in a really great place now so if your thinking about homeopathy it's well worth being treated by Steve & Aviva at Classical Homeopathy. In appreciation.

Wendy G.
Age 41

My experience with Classical Homeopathy has been life or death, literally. Death was being totally paralyzed in a wheel chair with MS, and Life is physically healthy.

At age 35 I was very ill with Multiple Sclerosis for two years. I could barely walk, had to sleep 50% of every day and mentally my brain couldn’t focus- I couldn’t even read books. I was considering getting a wheelchair. While having a chair would have been very helpful, I knew if I did it would be downhill from there for me, resulting in eventual paralysis of my body. Life looked like being alone in an institution, not being able to care for myself. Who wants that from life? Not me!

In deciding to heal myself from MS, I had to change my entire life. Classical Homeopathy was and is a big factor. Five years later I have none of those symptoms. I consider this a miracle! I only know people who continually get worse from the symptoms I had, not better!

Now, I look forward to Homeopathy helping me heal symptoms of allergies and scoliosis. And of course, any other imbalance I have.

Steve and Aviva are incredible!!!!!!!

Trish S.

Our entire family has benefited greatly as a result of Steve Waldstein’s excellent homeopathic treatment: 4 years ago, my (then) 16 year old daughter was diagnosed with a “very aggressive case of rheumatoid arthritis.” I knew immunosuppressants etc. weren’t the answer. We tried many alternative type therapies and other homeopaths with poor to moderate results. Then we found Steve Waldstein! My daughter is now pain-free, has gained weight, has a sunnier, more comfortable, more confident, positive outlook on life, and even her blood tests are much, much better! She continues to improve month by month!

My son, who has suffered from severe depression in his late teens and early twenties, has transformed into a healthy, confident, focused young man.

I am a 47 year old woman. The chronic musculo-skeletal discomfort I endured for many years has greatly improved. All of my adult life, I experienced seemingly uncontrollable outbursts of rage. Since I began homeopathic treatment 2 years ago, I have gained control of my emotions; our entire household and family is much more harmonious & happy. I would like to talk with anyone who would like more information. You can e-mail me at trish@livwell.net

Ilona M.

Homeopathy changed my life! A few years ago I was diagnosed with insomnia. And at a regular doctor's office there is no treatment for this kind of situation, except chemical therapy. And it is not the choice I wanted to make for myself. My homeopathic remedy makes me feel stronger, happier and most of all normal. I sleep really well.

Thank you for the transformation.

Joshua T.

I have been going to Steve and Aviva at Classical Homeopathy for about 10 years now. When I first started had back issues, worrying about everything, fears of all kinds just to name a few. Over time everything got better and better. One of the things homeopathy helped with is getting in touch with me and my emotions. I no longer have any of the issues I started with and I feel great. As all from time to time I still have some things as they come up for release. I use homeopathy along with my spiritual path and together I have become a new person. Homeopathy has also helped with grief in the past. Since everything is all connected homeopathy is the one thing that works to bring us back into balance one layer at a time. I really do appreciate Steve and Aviva for they have done to assist me and my family on our journey. Homeopathy really does work and feeling good is what life is about. We also have our cats come as well as we are a family unit and we all do better when we all do better. Many thanks to Steve and Aviva for all the help and support. I am in a really great place now so if your thinking about homeopathy its well worth being treated by Steve & Aviva at Classical Homeopathy


I became a patient of Classical Homeopathy while living in Denver 15 years ago. I was suffering from general malaise, in the form of anxiety, some depression, headaches, allergies, you name it! After beginning homeopathic treatment my symptoms began to rapidly disappear, even some symptoms that were at the bottom of my list. For example, I literally didn't need reading glasses anymore. That was so shocking!

Soon thereafter my husband became a patient. My health had increased so dramatically that even my doubting husband couldn't deny the results. Then as we had each of our children, while living in Pennsylvania and Virginia they became long distance patients. My children have been so healthy, our only doctor visits have been regular annual checkups. They never having been on antibiotics and they are 10 and 13 years old.

We all have been long distance patients now for over 11 years. We each have our own remedy and phone appointments every few months, or more if needed. I call them first, before I would call a typical doctor. I choose homeopathy as our first line of wellness care.

We have been so very blessed by Steve and Aviva and their care. Without God and Steve and Aviva we truly believe our lives would not be this healthy and blessed!

Glen H.

Our entire family has been tremendously helped by Classical Homeopathy. First my wife sought our Homeopathy for depression because there were many side effects with anti-depressants. She found antidepressants were a temporary fix at best, as where homeopathy allowed her body to naturally grow stronger to where she is coping much better on her own now.

Then, my 2 year old daughter suffered from the typical childhood ear infections, doctors wanted to overwhelm her with antibiotics, causing more health issues. Homeopathy really helped her, as well, grow stronger and healthier.

So I decided maybe if homeopathy helped my family so much then maybe it can help with my migraines. I was definitely impressed. No pain relievers helped my migraines but homeopathy has worked for me. The headaches have decreased and I am now a firm believer in homeopathy. Our family will turn to homeopathy to deal with any of its health needs.

Valerie L.

For many years I had suffered with the symptoms of Fibromyalgia and Bursitis. I was in much pain and discomfort which affected every aspect of my life. I have been a patient of Steve Waldstein for 7 years.

During these years I have functioned as a "normal person" and now consider myself as Fibromyalgia-free. I travel extensively; I manage my own textile business and am able to volunteer for several agencies in my community. I just returned from a month long trip in China and Japan and had no difficulty with the long flights, which in the past would have been intolerable.

I am more active at 61 than I was at 51 years old and plan to continue for many years. Steve's advice and proper use of remedies have been invaluable to me.


My son Carson began to get eczema at 6 weeks old. It started with cradle cap and quickly moved to cover his whole body- he cried a lot, couldn’t sleep well because of the terrible itching.

The pediatrician recommended an antihistamine for the itching and steroid cream & 2 baths a day- which he hated because his skin was so sensitive.

At 14 months we began Carson on a remedy from Classical Homeopathy. At first the eczema persisted – but the itching stopped and at 20 months all of a sudden it started disappearing. We were thrilled to see soft. Clear skin & the only thing that will make him break out (a little) is eggs. He is now 4 years old.

Thank You!

Elaine W.

I have been helped by Steve and Aviva Waldstein from Classical Homeopathy for several years. The medical profession has labeled me with a chronic illness called fibromyalgia, for which there is no cure. I sought help from Classical Homeopathy because I’d become disillusioned with traditional medicine. The remedies, they have prepared for me, greatly improved my life. I have made progress in my mental, physical and emotional health. There are still some aches and pains; life is not perfect, however, I’ve more optimism for life and have overcome a previous negative, pessimistic view of the world.

The remedies from Classical Homeopathy gave me more life force and strength to face the challenges of modern life, It has been the greatest help I’ve ever had towards living a more fulfilling life.

Tammy D.

I was so exhausted by the end of the day that I would fall into bed after I put my kids to bed. I thought I had chronic fatigue syndrome.

I went to see Aviva and about 10 days after taking my remedy was able to stay up past 9:00pm and I had the energy to play and interact with my kids. I even started a landscaping project. I now have the energy I need to enjoy my family and my life.
Thank you Aviva,

Dan V.

In early spring, 2006 I had a sciatic nerve condition of pain, pins and needles, and numbness in the right buttocks, leg and foot. I could walk only about 250 feet before needing to sit down to relieve the pain. A neurologist diagnosed me with Parkinson's Disease for tremors in my right arm and hand, and a blood work up showed my blood glucose to be 107 and in the pre-diabetes range.

In June I started Classical Homeopathy treatment with Aviva. Almost immediately my walking range increased. Since then my walking range has increased to over 3 miles without stopping, I've ridden my bicycle 54 miles in one weekend and I even removed a dead tree and stump from my front yard. This digging, chopping and winching project took over five hours. I had attempted to remove the tree in June and stopped after 1 hour of effort due to intense sciatic pain.
Today the sciatic pain is not gone, but what remains is quite tolerable and the condition continues to improve. My blood glucose level is 92, well into the normal range and out of the pre-diabetes range. My tremors are still with me and I look forward to the time when the Classical Homeopathy and my body begin their miraculous work on them.

Joanne C.

I am extremely grateful to Steve Waldstein for his help in improving my health, both physical and emotional.

The problems I was having when I first came to Steve were many . Arthritis in several of my fingers, constipation, swelling in my right lower leg, dark circles under my eyes, extreme tiredness when I was short of sleep., Reynaud's Syndrome, Scleroderma, .. depression and control needs.

Gradually most of my problems are getting resolved. The arthritic pain in my fingers is much less. I no longer need to take Ibuprofen. My constipations has disappeared. The swelling in my right lower leg is gone as well as the dark circles under my eyes. I am amazed that when for some reason I have only had 4 or 5 hours of sleep I have been able to keep to schedule for the day with no problem!!! In fact my energy generally seems to be improving. I am 65 and am a massage therapist. I have no problem doing 4 hours of massage in a day. I was experiencing .depression when I began working with Steve. I felt it was fine to live, but also fine to die. Now I very much want to live and will be starting a new life in Costa Rica in a year or two. I have had a need to control experiences. I have been able to let go of fear in many areas of my life and thus . the need to control. For several months I have been in the flow of the universe. Whatever I need or want just seems to appear! Still unhealed are my Reynaud's Syndrome & scleroderma. I look forward to improvement with both of these problems.

I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE anyone with several health issues to work to Steve so that a healthier life can be enjoyed.

For More Information or to make an appointment contact:

Steve Waldstein RSHom (NA) CCH PCH
Classical Homeopathy, Inc.
1245 NW 22nd Avenue
Delray Beach, FL 33445
Telephone: 561-562-8965
E-mail: steve@homeopathy-cures.com