Do you have a child who either is delayed in their development or are slow to learn? Did they do some of the developmental steps much later than other kids? Are they slow to walk or talk? Or is learning very difficult for them?
Often homeopathy can help all of these children to move forward, reaching much more of their potential.
Here are a couple of examples of children we helped to move forward.
Jennifer was a 2 year old who was developmentally slow. She didn’t crawl on time. She was just learning to walk now, but with difficulty. She had a small vocabulary and was very difficult to understand.
She has teething problems. With teething she is miserable in lots of pain. Whenever she teethes she gets an ear infection. She is cranky and needs to have her mother there all the time, or she gets upset.
She is very picky about what she eats- she eats a very narrow diet.
Based upon this and many other symptoms we gave her a dose of Calcarea Phosphorica (note this was the right remedy for her but the possibility of it being the right remedy for another person with delayed development is very low).
By two months her parents reported that her vocabulary exploded and she was much more understandable. She repeats what she hears her parents say. She walks without difficulty now. When she is ill the remedy helps a lot with getting well faster.
By 4 months she has happier, much less cranky. She is more independent. She is no longer a “backward child.”
Here is another case:
Jonathan is 12 and has learning disabilities. He has been in special education since kindergarten. He has an IQ of 75. All learning comes very hard to him. He is very quiet and very very shy. His confidence is quite low. He has trouble focusing on work but if he finds something to interest him he focuses on nothing but that.
Based upon this and many other symptoms we gave her a dose of Baryta Sulphurica (note this was the right remedy for her but the possibility of it being the right remedy for another person with learning disabilities is very low).
By one month he could focus better at school. He was less tired, more self confident, more creative and school work is becoming easier for him. He acts much less shy.
By one year he had moved ahead 2 years in schoolwork. He was much more confident and happy. His parents are gradually becoming less worried about him and are more confident of him having a happy fulfilling life.
Would you like to hear what a patient had to say about how homeopathy helped their daughters' learning disabilities?
My daughter, Rachel, is 23. Since the age of 18, she has been seeing Aviva. Rachel has mild cerebral palsy, learning disabilities, attention deficit hyperactive disorder, and was suffering from grand mal seizures.
We have weaned Rachel from her seizure meds and she has not had any seizures. She continues to learn although we were told that she would reach a plateau and stop learning around the age of 16.
-Juanita A
Our entire family has been tremendously helped by Classical Homeopathy. First my wife sought our Homeopathy for depression because there were many side effects with anti-depressants. She found antidepressants were a temporary fix at best, as where homeopathy allowed her body to naturally grow stronger to where she is coping much better on her own now.
-Glenn Hobbs
In this example you see the difference between homeopathy and other approaches for treatment of delayed development or learning disabilities. After the right remedy we expect to see everything getting better in the person's life.
To understand how homeopathy helps in cases like this please click below, to read more about homeopathy. To find a homeopath to help you, choose the referral list link below. If no experienced classical homeopath is in your area you can either travel to see us in Florida - or we can do a phone consult.
For More Information or to make an appointment contact:
Steve Waldstein RSHom (NA) CCH PCH
Classical Homeopathy, Inc.
1245 NW 22nd Avenue
Delray Beach, FL 33445
Telephone: 561-562-8965