A diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis can seem like a death sentence. Knowing that what is ahead of you is a life of diminishing capabilities. Since we are in Denver, which is a MS hot spot (much greater levels of MS) we have seen many patients who have been diagnosed with MS. We have been able to help many of these people maintain a good life, stopping the downturn and in many cases reducing the symptoms they came with.

The best way to explain what can happen is the following in the patients own words.

My experience with Classical Homeopathy has been life or death, literally. Death was being totally paralyzed in a wheel chair with MS, and Life is physically healthy.

At age 35, I was very ill with Multiple Sclerosis for two years. I could barely walk, had to sleep 50% of every day and mentally my brain couldn’t focus- I couldn’t even read books. I was considering getting a wheelchair. While having a chair would have been very helpful, I knew if I didn’t it would be downhill from there for me, resulting in eventual paralysis of my body. Life looked like being alone in an institution, not being able to care for myself. Who wants that from life? Not me!


In deciding to heal myself from MS, I had to change my entire life. Classical Homeopathy was and is a big factor. Five years later I have none of those symptoms. I consider this a miracle! I only know people who continually get worse from the symptoms I had, not better!

Now, I look forward to Homeopathy helping me heal symptoms of allergies and scoliosis. And of course, any other imbalance I have.

Steve and Aviva and incredible!!!!!!!

Wendy L. Grell

Age 41

In this example you see the difference between homeopathy and other approaches for treatment of multiple sclerosis. After the right remedy we expect to see everything getting better in the person's life.

To understand how homeopathy helps in cases like this please click below, to read more about homeopathy. To find a homeopath to help you, choose the referral list link below. If no experienced classical homeopath is in your area you can either travel to see us in Florida - or we can do a phone consult.

For More Information or to make an appointment contact:

Steve Waldstein RSHom (NA) CCH PCH
Classical Homeopathy, Inc.
1245 NW 22nd Avenue
Delray Beach, FL 33445
Telephone: 561-562-8965
E-mail: steve@homeopathy-cures.com